SAFETY FIRST: We're taking extra measures to ensure your children are safe in our school. More details

Creative Curriculum | I Am Moving, I Am Learning (IMIL) | Reading Readiness | Multi Language Immersion | Cultural Enrichment | Mobile Technology Lab

I Am Moving, I Am Learning (I.M.I.L)
Most of the current early childhood obesity prevention initiatives stand on the shoulders of Head Start’s pioneering health promotion initiative, I Am Moving, I Am Learning (IMIL). IMIL is an active learning curriculum enhancement that augments what early learning settings already do to promote physical activity and healthier nutrition. Choosy Kids was selected to provide content expertise and nationwide IMIL training for Head Start and other early learning settings since 2004. Here at SELA, the IMIL, Choosy Kids curriculum will be used for our music and movement in the classrooms.
Click below for examples of IMIL in action: