SAFETY FIRST: We're taking extra measures to ensure your children are safe in our school. More details

Support Sunflower Early Learning Academy
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Thank you for supporting Sunflower Early Learning Academy 2020-2021. Your donations help keep S.E.L.A. strong: by retaining gifted faculty, providing beyond-the-classroom learning opportunities, enhancing our programs, supporting financial aid, and more. Your gift ensures that our kids continue to thrive. Thank you.
Your donation is tax-deductible.
Why give?
What does tuition cover?
Tuition covers 76 percent of the cost of a Center education. The remaining 24 percent must come from contributions and income generated by the school's endowment and investments. In an effort to keep tuition increases as manageable as possible, we rely on the generosity of our parents, grandparents, alumni and foundations.
Why not raise tuition and forget about contributions?
Independent school tuitions in most cases are already high. Keeping tuition as affordable as possible allows S.E.L.A. to attract families who may not otherwise consider an independent school education for their children. Economic diversity is one way, along with ethnic, racial and lifestyle diversity, that our school family can mirror the world beyond the classroom walls.
How can working parents volunteer in meaningful ways?
Another form of diversity at S.E.L.A. is in the many configurations of working families and the way they balance careers with raising children. So we offer a variety of options for volunteering, from services that require short-term commitments to projects that are more like part-time jobs! Virtually all of our parents, and many of our grandparents and alumni, find an opportunity that fits their schedule and interests. We've had so much help for so long that, frankly, we couldn't do all that we do without our wonderful volunteers.
What would my donation fund?
Your generosity also underwrites special programs for children and enhanced training for family child care providers. This tax-deductible gift enables S.E.L.A. to fulfill our commitment in increasing the quality of child care through ongoing caregiver training. Please join us as we continue our efforts on behalf of the young children. See examples below.
For infants:
To-be-frozen teeth soothing items
Free-standing baby bouncers
Baby mobiles for hanging above cribs
Soft balls
Soft rattles
Disposable diapers
Non-allergenic wipes
For preschoolers:
Riding toys
Board games such as “Candy Land” and “Guess Who”
Wooden puzzles
For Teachers:
Refresher Training
Enhance Educator Training
Technology for the classroom
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Financial assistance
Safe and Healthy Campus
Community Involvement
Special Events
Your donation matters.
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